Crazy for you
I felt so honoured to be asked to take this couples wedding photographs in Oslo! It's my first wedding shoot in Oslo, and may not be my last ;-) My last wedding of the season couldn't have been any better. It was so much fun! Such an adorable couple that truly love each other deeply. Everything was just perfect from wedding dress to suit, hair and shoes!! Not to mention the graffiti, chandelier, ugly sofa, tunnel and cafes. It was a dream, and I have probably developed even more wrinkles from all the smiling I did that day during the shoot and after editing all the photos :-)
I hope you like them as much as I do!
Gratulerer Ingeborg og Martin! Tusen takk for en kjempe fin dag.

I hope you like them as much as I do!
Gratulerer Ingeborg og Martin! Tusen takk for en kjempe fin dag.
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